What is Ergonomics
Ergonomics is that the process of designing or arranging workspace, products and systems so that they fit the people who use them. Many of us think that it deals only with the seating or with the planning of anything that involves people’s workspace, sports and leisure, health and safety. Ergonomics specialize in minimizing the danger of injury or harm to the workers at the workspace. It aims to produce a secure and cozy workspace by designing physically unstressed equipment at the workspace. Poorly designed workspace makes the worker frustrated and affects the productivity of the company. Ergonomics deals with it, and removes risk factors that result in musculoskeletal injuries and improve human performance and productivity.
Benefits of Ergonomics
It creates an efficient work environment. It helps to maintain your health, if you were working in a standard environment. Some may adjust their height, weight or comfort, but those postures will strain their eyes, necks and back. If you are physically straining too much, it leads to mental stress and you can’t be focused on your work. Ergonomics helps you to work and to increase productivity .
Ergonomics accessoriesErgonomics Equipment are designed according to the comfort level of an individual. If it is a children’s study table, the table should neither be too high or too low, it should fit their height when they sit in a chair to write. If it is too high or low it may cause them neck pain. The same case in the field of computer occupations. They should be computer the whole day it may affect their eyes, neck, back and wrist on frequent keyboarding. And poor posturing could cause them to suffer some serious health problems in the long run. Little improvement on their workspace can help to reduce the daily strain on their back, neck and wrists. Ergonomics support them by providing the following equipped accessories;
● Foam Mouse pad
● Keyboard which fits more naturally with the resting posture of the hands
● Adjustable laptop stand
● Airgrid Dark Back and padded leather seat
● Self inflating Back Rest
● Height adjustable desks and chains and etc.,
These equipped accessories help them to improve their interaction with products, systems and environments. Ergonomics has created workspace evolution in the technological world.